Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Buffet is Closed

Well, Callie and I have come to the end of the booby buffet chapter of our lives. This morning was her last nursing session and although I will miss nursing, I think it'll be nice not having to worry about it anymore too. I've had a measly supply the last few weeks which made me question if I should keep going and this past week pretty much gave me a stamp of approval when I was lucky to get 2 oz in the mornings. I have a bit of freezer stock left that I'll use up and then do formula until she's 9 months before switching to whole milk. I honestly don't think Callie will care much. Her interest in nursing took a free fall once she started solids which probably contributed to my body closing up shop. So today, I happily started back on my old birth control and packed up all my pumping supplies to store. I'm so happy I was able to nurse as long as I did - especially with going back to work when she was 3 months. I know there are some that are unable keep going once they start working again so for lasting an additional 4 1/2 months is pretty darn good to me. Although this small chapter is coming to a close and I'll miss it, I look forward to the adventures ahead as she grows. It's looking like our next stop is figuring out that complicated sippy cup. First, we have to establish Callie's interest in even trying it (cause she could care less right now) before we can even venture in to actually making it work. We'll keep you posted! :)

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job nursing for so long! You should just feel really good about that. :) But I know I'll be sad/excited when it's over too. How has the drying up process going for you? I'm pretty terrified that it's going to be painful. :(
