Also, since my last update, Callie has figured out what to do with the whole food and spoon thing. She has gotten pretty good at eating but still shows her preferences on what food she prefers. All of the orange/yellow veggies are fine, peas are tolerable, and green beans could fall off the earth for all she cares. Therefore, I have to sneak the green beans in with carrots or squash to get them to go down. Since she's doing pretty good with the veggies, I'll probably move into the combos next week. Her feet are her favorite toy to play with and chew on and she will have brief moments of sitting by herself until she turns her head and flops over. If she's sitting in our laps, she can sit there for a long time without being held up. She loves to sit in her Bebe pod and chew on the toy and has recently started transferring toys between her hands. Jason's concerned that she's trying to be left handed because if you give her a toy in her right hand, she'll put it in her left. Silly Jason, if you give her a toy in the left, she'll put it in the right too. :)
Beyond the normal day to day stuff, we had our last Christmas with Jason's family back at the end of January and had a lot of fun! We always enjoy spending time with everyone together. Two weekends ago Callie got to go to her first OSU Cowboy basketball game and seemed to have a lot of fun! She watched for a while then had a nap for most of the second half then woke up to watch the Cowboys beat the Sooners! We got to spend time with our good friends at the game too! This past weekend Jason's mom, dad, and sister came to the house and the girls went to Affair of the Heart while the boys ran around town.
For the next couple weeks, not too much going on. My parents have the countdown started to when they'll be here for spring break. They can't wait to see little miss and she's ready to see her Pops and Nana too! In the mean time we Skype together a few times a week. So, here are some pictures from our latest endeavors!
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