In other Callie news, she's learned to sit by herself. She can be wobbly at times so you still have to be by her but I'm amazed at how fast she went from sitting for just a few seconds to sitting while playing with her toys. It seemed like it was just a day or 2 and she had it figured out. She rolls all over but still hasn't figured out the crawling thing. She'll scoot backwards and get up on her hands but hasn't put all the crawling motions together yet to be productive. Which is fine with me...It's nice being able to put her down and she's in the same spot when I come back into the room. Better enjoy that while it lasts. She also loves to go on walks. She sits in her stroller and just takes it all in. Also, just this last week she's learned how to say the "da da da" sound. It's so cute to have something new to hear. One last thing, her favorite part of any soft toy is the tag. She will play with and chew on the tag for the longest time. She also like to talk to them.
We have some activities in the coming weeks. I think we're going to have a bring your daughter to work day on Wednesday of spring break. My doctor will be out of town and I only have a few patients to see before Callie's 6 month check up so I think I'll bring her so the girls at work can see and play with her. It's been a while since she's been there. Then that last weekend of spring break is when my parents will come to town for the following week. They're looking forward to seeing Callie - it's been since Christmas since they've seen her. I think we're going to take family pictures with my parents since my brother's coming to town too. It's been a couple years since we've had a family picture.
Now, here's some pictures. Have a great week!
She is SOOO cute!!! I need to see her in person again really soon. As for the feeding issues, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm still producing a lot (which I'm donating to OU for the NICU), but she just doesn't want to nurse as much at all. And she's underweight, which just stresses me out! I think our girls are perfect though, just petite!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay - the food/nursing thing. Once they start eating baby food, they will slowly decrease how much they nurse. For example, once Goy was eating breakfast lunch and dinner, he only nursed 4 times a day (first thing in the morning, morning nap, afternoon nap and bedtime), once he got used to that, I gave him a snack before morning nap, then he didn't nurse for morning nap anymore. Once he was used to that (a couple weeks-month), I gave him a snack before afternoon nap and dropped that feeding. Didn't drop the first thing in the morning or the bedtime nursing until he was a year old and could drink milk at those times. And he still has a glass of milk first thing in the morning and right before bed (before brushing his teeth of course). Hope that helps, she's doing fine and if she's eating 3 meals plus a snack, only expect her to want a bottle 3 times a day... also, start giving her a sippy cup with water after each meal and snack, so she'll grow up guzzling that H2O. :)